Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Be Aware of @rockyhillps.com Addresses in your Quarantine Summary Report!

Recently a staff member in the district e-mailed the TechTeam regarding an e-mail address that appeared in their daily quarantine summary report with the ending @rockyhillps.com on it (see below).

More and more staff members are receiving @rockyhillps.com e-mail address in their quarantine summary's however these messages are not legitimate. Please do not attempt to open them. Be very wary of any messages claiming to be from @rockyhillps.com that end up in your quarantine. Feel free to ask about any questionable e-mails like this in the future. Thanks!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

U:/ Drive, My Documents, Google Drive...What's the difference?

When attempting to save content to a district computer many staff members ask themselves, "Where's best? I've heard through the grapevine to save to my U:/ drive, my documents, and then sometimes I hear to save to Google Drive." I'm here to explain what the differences are between these options!